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Updated: Feb 17, 2022

Did you know, a single disposable pad can take 500 to 800 years to break down?

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The carbon footprint of menstruation products is crazy, and it's a worrisome topic that the media doesn't focus on enough. In this blog, we want to talk about how important it is to go green when menstruating.

With plastic taking 5-8 centuries to decompose, it’s time that the menstruators of the world turn to something new. Given the cost and environmental impact of sanitary pads, the cloth is a viable solution. While women have always used homemade cloth pads, the trend is gaining traction.

Our non-profit, in fact, supports reusable sanitary cloth pads and educates women on the effects of sustainable menstruation. It has the potential to have a significant influence! Menstrual cups are something I can't say enough good things about! I anticipated the rising popularity of menstruation cups. They are extremely cost-effective and may last up to five years with proper care. I mean, think about how much money you'll save by not buying disposable menstruation items! It also never interferes with your daily activities, which is an advantage when compared to something like a disposable sanitary pad, as you can hardly feel it! It's also liked that I never have to worry about leaking when wearing one because the seal ensures there are no leaks when it's properly inserted. What's there to hate? The move to sustainability in menstruation is something that we must strive for!



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