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Workshop for refugees

In collaboration with Public Allies Inc and ACCEIO Pickering, we donated reusable and sustainable period products to a group of refugees from Afghanistan, and taught them how to use them safely. 

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Exploring Period Laws

A panel of 4 experienced menstrual equity advocates from Canada and India spoke about their experiences with advocacy and tips on how to advocate successfully. This event was hosted in February 2022 in collaboration with The Red Lotus Project.

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BGC Peel Training

We trained the leaders of BGC Peel in February 2022 to host period education workshops for their members.

Period Education Workshop

We hosted a period education workshop in collaboration with Girl Up Brampton in December 2021.

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Period Education Workshop

In collaboration with Laadliyaan, The Red Mvmnt hosted a period education workshop in November, 2021.


Fall Pop up Shop

In November, 2021, we hosted a Fall Pop Up Shop fundraiser in collaboration with a group of local businesses to raise funds.

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